IO1: Best Practice Report on Digitally Inclusive Physical Education and Health

Start: Aug 2021
End: Jul 2022

The Best Practice Report on Digital Inclusive Physical Education and Health aims to explore how inclusive physical education and health can be delivered digitally. The report is part of a strategic process leading to the creation of a digital course on DIPHE. The report is crucial to the project’s development and will form the basis of the creation of the rest of the IOs. The project aims to produce high-quality examples of inclusive digital physical and health education, as there are currently no existing good practice examples of digital physical and health education that are also inclusive. The potential scope of such resources is considerable as every child and young person in Europe has a statutory right to regular physical and health education, and this project will enable all children, regardless of their disabilities or disadvantages, to access it. The Best Practice Report has been developed from research across Europe to
produce a framework that can work and benefit the target groups.

IO2: Pedagogical Framework for accessible online teaching of Digital Inclusive Health and Physical Education

Start: Aug 2021
End: Jul 2022

The pedagogical framework will comprise a series of methodologies that make the DIPHE course inclusive. This will ensure that teachers are equipped to deliver digital physical and health education to all learners, including disabled and non-disabled learners. The pedagogical framework was created based on thorough research and pedagogical expertise from members of the consortium. This IO will heavily inform the creation of IO3 and the curriculum framework.

🇬🇧 English
🇫🇷 French
🇩🇪 German
🇬🇷 Greek
🇮🇹 Italian
🇪🇸 Spanish

IO3: Curriculum Framework and DIPHE Course for accessible online learning of Digital Inclusive Physical and Health Education

Start: Jul 2022
End: Feb 2023

The Curriculum Framework contains an accessible and inclusive physical and health education curriculum. The curriculum includes sessions on inclusive physical activity and physical and health education, including physical, mental, social, emotional, intellectual, and environmental well-being, and sections on sleep and nutrition. It takes a holistic approach to health and well-being and instils a lifelong journey of self-development and good health. The curriculum is designed for upper primary and lower secondary education teachers and learners aged 9 – 14. The curriculum is based on formal, informal and non-formal learning and has a spiral and flipped curriculum and blended learning elements. The 3-D animations guide the learners (including the teachers and students) through the course and are part of its digitally inclusive design. The Well-Being Warriors course is the main course that teachers and students take. However, if teachers wish, they can take additional continual professional development courses that are accessible from the platform, too.

🇬🇧 English
🇫🇷 French
🇩🇪 German
🇬🇷 Greek
🇮🇹 Italian
🇪🇸 Spanish
IO4: Reliable Resources Guide

Start: Apr 2022
End: Mar 2023

The Reliable Resources Guide contains resources that provide additional support for teachers and teaching assistants in upper primary and lower secondary education. They will guide teachers delivering DIPHE to follow the relevant safeguarding EU legislation and includes policy recommendations, too. The Reliable Resources Guide consists of three primary resources; the identification of good practice in distance learning, the identification of good practice in e-safety and the identification of good practice in remote safeguarding.

IO5: E-learning Platform with course to develop digital competences in the delivery of IPHE

Start: Jul 2021
End: Jun 2023

The e-Learning platform is where teachers and students can access and navigate the DIPHE course. The e-Learning platform also includes a forum that allows teachers to connect and share ideas about the facilitation and delivery of DIPHE.

Visit the e-Learning Platform

IO6: Pilot

Start: Feb 2023
End: Jun 2023

A minimum of 64 Physical Education Teachers piloted the course and taught it to children and young people across Europe to examine its impact and reach. The valuable results from the pilot will be evaluated by the partners, and the feedback will be used to make changes where appropriate.